I have requested my absentee ballot to vote by mail but it never arrived. What are my options? You are entitled to a replacement ballot if you provide a sworn statement to your local registrar before Election Day. If you wait until Election Day, you may have to cast a provisional ballot, which may or may not be counted.
I accidentally damaged my ballot and made it unfit for voting. What are my options? You can get a replacement ballot. If you are voting absentee, you can return the damaged ballot to your local registrar’s office before Election Day, or vote in person instead if you return the damaged absentee ballot to your local registrar’s office or your polling place on or before Election Day. If you're voting in person and you damaged your ballot, do not attempt to cast the damaged ballot. Ask a poll worker for a replacement instead.
If I’m in line when the polls close, can I still vote? Yes! You have the right to vote if you are in line by 7:00 p.m. when the polls close.
What if I need language assistance? You have the right to bring someone who can translate the ballot and help you communicate with poll workers. (Va. Code §24.2-649 (C))
Can I wear campaign apparel when going to vote? Yes! You are allowed to wear apparel, including shirts, hats, buttons or stickers that contain a candidate’s name or a political slogan when you go to the polls to vote. (Va. Code §24.2-604(J))
What if I believe I am registered but a poll worker says I am not? Ask the poll worker to contact the local registrar. If the registrar is unavailable or cannot find your name, ask for a provisional ballot. You have the right to cast a provisional ballot even if your name is not on the voter list. However, know that your ballot may not be counted if the Board of Elections finds no record of your registration. (Va. Code §24.2-652-653). If you believe you may not be properly registered after all, you can still register to vote at the same time you vote on Election Day and cast a provisional ballot (see "Same-Day Registration" above).
What if I've moved since the last election? You should change your address online at elections.virginia.gov/registration/view-your-info, or send a letter to your local registrar before the election registration deadline.
What if someone challenges my eligibility to vote even though I am on the list of registered voters? Ask for the Affirmation of Eligibility form. You have the right to vote using a regular ballot if you sign this form (Va. Code §24.2-651). The only exception is that if the rolls show that you have already voted once, you will be required to vote using a provisional ballot. (Va. Code §24.2-651.1)
What if I need instructions on how to use the voting equipment? Ask a poll worker for help. Poll workers are required to assist you any time you ask. You can request help after entering the voting booth but should be allowed to vote privately after receiving help. (Va. Code §24.2-647)
What should I do if I make a mistake on a paper ballot, or the ballot-counting machine malfunctions? Do not cast your ballot. Ask for a replacement ballot immediately. You have a right to as many replacement ballots as you need. (Va. Code §24.2-645). If your ballot-counting machine malfunctions, inform a poll worker who will direct you to a different machine. (Va. Code §24.2-642, §24.2-646.1)
What if I need help in the voting booth because of a physical disability or I have trouble reading or writing? Ask a poll worker for a Request for Assistance form. You have the right to have a poll worker, friend or relative help you in the voting booth if you sign this form. (Va. Code §24.2-649 (B)). If you think it will be difficult to vote inside the polling place, you have the right to vote curbside. On Election Day, you can send someone into the polling place to request curbside voting on your behalf. Poll workers will bring a ballot or ballot-counting machine outside so you can vote. (Va. Code §24.2-649 (A))
Can you take a selfie with your ballot? Yes: so long as the use of the electronic device that you use to take it does not hinder, delay, or disrupt the voting process, you can take a selfie with your ballot (1 Va. Admin Code 20-60-30).
I have requested and received my absentee ballot to vote by mail, but now I want to vote in person. What are my options? You may vote in person if you return your unopened ballot to your local registrar's office, to a satellite voting location, or to your polling place on or before Election Day.
How do I make a complaint? Ask for an officer of election at your polling place. The officer can handle most routine complaints. Candidates, political parties, and nonprofit groups may also have poll watchers at your polling place who may be able to assist you. You can also call the Virginia Department of Elections (800-552-9745). You can file a complaint online at elections.virginia.gov/voter-complaints.